SIMULATION HAIR/MAKE-UP Join us for hair and makeup assistance before the Vancouver Island Interclub Competition Simulation this Friday, October 25th, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. We look forward to having you help our "new performers" get ready! Time: 10:30am Friday October 25th Where: Brind’amour Lobby We will have some supplies, but please try to bring your own: Hairbrush Mascara Lipstick Blush Neutral Eyeshadow Hair Gel Hair Spray Questions: [email protected] Thank you to all who were able to attend the Fall 2024 Success Meetings! Documents to Review: The Coaching Team kindly thanks parents/guardians and STAR 2+ athletes and for reviewing these important documents. Goal Setting Forms:
NEW! S2+ Athletes are requested to purchase and bring:
The Success Package has been updated with an important coaching announcement that will take effect on April 18, 2024.
For further information, contact the Director of Programs.
Best Practices Success Meeting handout
This is an important announcement for all CRSC STARSkaters.
Our policy for private coaching fees has been updated to align with club policy for ice fees regarding absenteeism or missed classes. Students will be billed for all regularly scheduled lessons during their registered session. There will be no refunds for classes that are missed for reasons outside the control of CRSC and/or its coaches. We always appreciate notice if a skater will be away – however, coaching fees for scheduled lessons will not be waived without explicit approval from the Director of Programs. This is in the interest of fairness, to prevent skaters from having to bear the burden of increased costs as a result of others’ absenteeism from private, semi-private or group lessons. This will benefit all members by making costs more consistent and predictable, and help coaches create the most effective plans for your skater’s development. If you have any questions about this policy adjustment, please contact Rory Allen, Director of Programs. A reminder that details about private lesson billing can be found in the 2022-2023 STAR Success Package. Sincerely, The CRSC Coaching Team Thank you for attending the 2022 STARSkate Success Meeting!
It has been an exciting week for skating, with TWO National Championships to watch! If you missed the action, check out the links below! What was YOUR favorite performance?